This month’s blog looks a bit different and was originally in the form of an instagram caption. I have included it below and pray that it meets you where you are. I pray even more that you know Jesus is meeting you where you are right now. Praise Him!
“I started my blog about four years ago and have not missed one month since… until I almost did today. Here is my heart and what God is teaching me in this season:
I was about to start writing out something that I had not truly prayed through, yet this blog was designed for the purpose of sharing prayerfully what God is teaching me. In my full honesty, life is quite busy right now. My next season is currently in the air. Emotions have been running wild. Sleep is something I try to prioritize yet still gets kicked aside too often. Days seem like years, yet years seem like days. However, in this whirlwind, God is teaching me something about Him. He is teaching me that Jesus is just as much the middle-of-the-week comforter as He is the church-on-Sunday, all-powerful Savior. I read about this idea in the book above and cannot shake that thought. A lot of my life was spent knowing about the church-on-Sunday Lord but not fully walking alongside and in the love of the middle-of-the-week Jesus. A verse in Jeremiah this morning stuck with me today, “This is what the LORD says: ‘Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.’” The crossroads for me recently has been the road of religion that knows about God verses the journey of faith that walks alongside Him and under His protection. I am learning and leaning into the small moments with Jesus, and I have felt Him nudge me to allow myself to be comforted as much as I feel called by His love. I am learning to rest in the Jesus that meets us where we are instead of anxiously trying to maintain a religion that calls me to be more than I could ever be on my own. If this is where you find yourself too, at these crossroads, I encourage you to ask Jesus for His way, the good way, the way that brings rest to our souls in ways unfathomable. He is waiting for you. He has rest stored up for you, healing stored up for you, the riches of Heaven stored up for you. Jesus, praise You.”
With love, C