Hi! As I was thinking and praying about what God would have me share in this month's blog, I soon realized that it was not going to be my own words, but instead words from a book that has captivated my heart for the past couple of weeks. And captivated is a fitting word, considering the name of the book is Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul. Therefore, this month's blog is dedicated to any girls reading this. My prayer is that our hearts let this single page of a book cover the rest of our days in its truth. May your heart not just read these words but believe them, maybe even for the first time or with fresh eyes after a long while. May your heart know that it is pursued, romanced, adored, and loved by your Maker. May your heart know that you are the Crown of Creation, that you captivate the Creator...
"You are a woman. An image bearer of God. The Crown of Creation. You were chosen before time and space, and you are wholly and dearly loved. You are sought after, pursued, romanced, the passionate desire of your Fiancé, Jesus. You are dangerous in your beauty and your life-giving power. And you are needed...
As a woman who has been ransomed and redeemed, you can be strong and tender. You speak to the world of God's mercy, mystery, beauty, and his desire for intimate relationship. You are inviting; you can risk being vulnerable, offering the weight of your life as well as your need for more because you are safe in God's love. You labor with God to bring forth life—in creativity, in work, in others. Your aching, awakened heart leads you to the feet of Jesus, where you wait on him and wait for him. The eyes of his heart are ever upon you. The King is captivated by your beauty...
We need you. We need you to awaken to God more fully and to awaken to the desires of your heart that he placed within you so that you will come alive to him and to the role that is yours to play. Perhaps you are meant to be a concert musician or a teacher. Perhaps you are meant to be a neurologist or a horse trainer. Perhaps you are to be an activist for ecology or the poor or the aged or the ill. You are certainly called to be a woman, wherever else he leads you...
And that is crucial, dear heart. Whatever you particular calling, you are meant to grace the world with your dance, to follow the lead of Jesus wherever he leads you. He will lead you first into himself; and then, with him, he will lead you into the world that he loves and needs you to love...
It is by Invitation."
What you just read, every word is true of you today and every day. Praise Jesus for you friend.
With love, C